Monday, October 18, 2010

Yay for new beginnings!

I HAVE A JOB! :) Thursday i got a call from a job that i interviewed with back in August. I didn't get the job then, but they have recently let someone go and in i came. :) i was so excited. this was the perfect job for me. it's at a chiropractics office in Bountiful. I love everything about it. Today was my first day. i'll admit it was very overwhelming and a lot to grasp but i loved every minute of it. I'm so excited to go back tomorrow and the next day and the next day. 

This past weekend we added an addition to our little new family.  Her name is Mildred. We got her on Saturday, a day before our 6 MONTH anniversary. i guess when you make it that long you can really  jump into it. :) our first big purchase was a mini cooper S.  Dallas' baby! she is a beauty. Don't tell Dallas but i think i'm growing on her. she goes fast and i love it! :)

Then my Dad came up for the weekend from San Diego and we all hung out at my Uncle Mark's house. i love being there! There kids are darling i love them and wish they were my own.  My brothers, my dad, uncle mark, jace, Dallas and i all went skeet shooting. that's right i was the only girl, and i sure did kick some butt. haha the person who surprised me the most was my dear sweet hubby. :) never knew the man had mad gun skills. i love it. It was a very fun weekend and im glad we got to spend it with family.

Monday, October 11, 2010

...Attempt #2...

So.. this is my second post and i still don't know what im doing. Over the weekend, my sister in law Ashlee helped me try to understand it somewhat.. still don't really but hopefully one day. Maybe I should go buy a blogging for dummies book. i dunno but i'll figure it out sooner than later! hopefully (cross your fingers)

Anyways.. This weekend we helped move dallas' sister and brother in law to Idaho. It was a very eventful day. Who knew someone could have so much stuff.. :) jk ash. But seriously, it took all day but I loved every minute of it. I'm sad they are gone! And I miss my little girls so much! They are going to be so big before i see them again. :) geeze i sound like grandma. :) but it was a fun day. John and Ash gave us bread and cookies for helping out. They were AMAZING. can't stop eating them! It's a good thing you guys are going into the bread industry... definitely think that is your calling in life! :)

I have been on a craft kick lately. I want to do all these things but i have no where to put them. So unforunately i haven't made anything lately. I saw this example of letters made from different things around town and i thought hey... i can do that. so that's where my title picture is. I made it from different items we saw around the gateway. I would love to take more pictures and make more of these so if anyone see's anything good. let me know!

Well i think this is all for this kick. I don't have much more exciting news today. But i'll write again hopefully soon with some good stuff! :)

Monday, October 4, 2010


So, I decided it was about time for us (mainly me) to start a blog. I don't really know how to work this thing or if it will ever be cute but I thought that I should give it a try.  So if any of you are reading this and want to give me a few (meaning a lot) of tips, that would be very welcoming! :)  I don't know the first thing about blogging so i could use all the help.

Lately, I have been looking for a job. It is very frustrating not being able to work. I haven't had a job since march because of the wedding and moving to St. Louis for the summer. Most people would count this as a blessing having all thetime in the world, but i am growing bored! I need something to keep me busy. I started to make a few magnet boards to take up my time but it only lasted for a day or two. I need either a big project that will take me a while or ya know, a JOB! :)  Dallas has been working full time and part time and going to school full time. He is super busy and i feel bad that i just sit and do nothing most days. But i am so grateful for him and his hard working ethics that he has. I know he will always make it work and i couldn't ask for a better husband!

So when i figure out more things to add i'll be updating it. until then i'll be waiting for the help. :)