So.. this is my second post and i still don't know what im doing. Over the weekend, my sister in law Ashlee helped me try to understand it somewhat.. still don't really but hopefully one day. Maybe I should go buy a blogging for dummies book. i dunno but i'll figure it out sooner than later! hopefully (cross your fingers)
Anyways.. This weekend we helped move dallas' sister and brother in law to Idaho. It was a very eventful day. Who knew someone could have so much stuff.. :) jk ash. But seriously, it took all day but I loved every minute of it. I'm sad they are gone! And I miss my little girls so much! They are going to be so big before i see them again. :) geeze i sound like grandma. :) but it was a fun day. John and Ash gave us bread and cookies for helping out. They were AMAZING. can't stop eating them! It's a good thing you guys are going into the bread industry... definitely think that is your calling in life! :)
I have been on a craft kick lately. I want to do all these things but i have no where to put them. So unforunately i haven't made anything lately. I saw this example of letters made from different things around town and i thought hey... i can do that. so that's where my title picture is. I made it from different items we saw around the gateway. I would love to take more pictures and make more of these so if anyone see's anything good. let me know!
Well i think this is all for this kick. I don't have much more exciting news today. But i'll write again hopefully soon with some good stuff! :)